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About Marco Grünbauer

​Marco Grünbauer (Born in Amsterdam 1963) is a Dutch painter who lives in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Subjects and themes for his work he finds in his direct area: Nudes, landscape, stilllife, portrait, nature; Classical subjects for many artists. For Grünbauer it's not the subject itself that becomes the most attention, but how  you can approach it, you look at it and give it a new and different form in your work. That is the reason why he only works in direct contact with the subjects and never uses fotos or other media. Grünbauer is always observing, studying and he is aware of the fact that little nuances can make big differences: The direction of brush strokes, small deformations, the use of eraser as a drawing material, etc.

Grünbauer works in his studio at home.


Paintings and Drawings by Marco Grünbauer

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